Accurate and complete information transfer between OpenText Content Server environments  

Copy Content Server / xECM module settings and all object types from one environment to another during data migrations and application delivery/deployments (CI/CD)

Selectively extract content and metadata

Import information into any instance regardless of version 

Transfer Module settings and all OpenText object types

The other methods for transferring files and settings require extensive manual effort, often resulting in errors and the need for rework.

GCI PowerTools for Deployments is the smart alternative!

  • Streamline data export/import, automating change management & migrations
  • Handle diverse object types, ensuring complete content migrations
  • Enable seamless transfer of integrated applications, fostering agile development
  • Retain audit records and original dates for all objects
  • Accelerate deployments, simplifying item selection and documentation
  • Maintain referential integrity of migrated objects, reducing errors and rework
  • Support seamless migration between Content Server versions, easing upgrades
  • Easily change the destination where items get imported

GCI PowerTools for Deployments is the most comprehensive solution to all your Content Server information transport problems.





Since 2005, Global Cents has equipped Fortune 1,000 companies with Enterprise Content Management Solutions, extending and enhancing OpenText Content Server/xECM platforms to improve automation, usability, and performance.

MS Partner-1


OT SolEx Partner Platinum Wordmark

We were able to streamline and automate our Content Server / xECM information transfer process. PowerTools for Deployments significantly reduced the amount of time and effort required for each change while delivering an impressive ROI

Government Agency

It’s time to streamline and automate your data migration and deployments...

Book a demo

We will show you the ideal solution for streamlining and automating your Content Server complex data migration. 

Try it yourself

No cost evaluation of Powertools for Deployments in your Test environment to ensure it meets your needs. 

Deliver an impresive ROI

Enjoy an enterprise-wide migration tool that is dependable and reliable for all IT departments.

Transfer over 99% of information and object types faster than any other migration solution

With Power Tools for Deployments, you can move workflow maps from one Content Server to another while maintaining attachments, performer data, and categories. You can transfer physical objects, retaining all custom attribute data, records management and classification information, or you can take a complex hierarchy of related objects from an older version of Content Server and recreate it accurately within a new version.

Related Resources

Data Sheet

GCI PowerTools for Deployments


Content Server Data Transfers with GCI PowerTools for Deployments


GCI PowerTools for Deployments ROI

Case Study

GCI PowerTools for Deployments ROI

Case Study

GCI PowerTools for Deployments ROI

Introduction to GCI PowerTools for Deployments