Extract all content from OpenText xECM 

GCI PowerTools for Content Export reduces the time, cost, and errors when extracting Content Server / xECM information (documents, metadata, and folder hierarchies) and make the content available for reuse in other platforms like SharePoint, file systems, etc. 

Export documents, metadata & folders to XML 

Schedule exports

Select items for export without coding

Manually exporting content is time consuming and error-prone

Current methods lack automation, are inefficient, and are prone to failure. 

GCI PowerTools for Content Export revolutionizes extracting information from Content Server.

  • Easily export all Content Server documents and metadata into XML
  • Readily share your documents, metadata, and taxonomy with external parties
  • Export Content Server information for your SharePoint migration projects
  • Transfers all Content Server versioned objects and container types
  • Generate exports on a schedule
  • Select the content you want and ignore the content you don’t
  • Choose items by pointing and clicking or by using specific criteria to improve your ability to identify the correct content

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Large, publicly-traded energy company

It’s time to reach new levels of performance...

Book a demo

See how you can reduce the time, cost, and errors associated with extracting Content Server / xECM assets. 

Try it yourself

No cost evaluation of GCI PowerTools for Content Export in your Test environment to ensure it meets your needs.

Deliver an impressive ROI

Enjoy an enterprise-grade solution with streamlined, automated content export, ensuring significant ROI.

Automate document and metadata export for enhanced efficiency

GCI PowerTools for Content Export ensures accuracy and saves time, making content management more effective. Simplifies and automates the export of documents and metadata from Content Server / xECM, enhancing efficiency with a user-friendly interface that eliminates the need for complex scripting.

Related Resources

Data Sheet

GCI PowerTools for Content Export


Introduction to GCI PowerTools for Content Export



Since 2005, Global Cents has equipped Fortune 1,000 companies with Enterprise Content Management Solutions, extending and enhancing OpenText Content Server/xECM platforms to improve automation, usability, and performance. 

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