Does your firm rely upon Microsoft Office properties, such as Author and Company within MS Word? Do you have Custom Properties such as Disposition, Document Number, or Security Classification? Do you need to have those properties migrate from the document to the related Content Suite attributes when the document is added to Content Suite? If so, PowerTools for Documents can help.
Many firms create standard document templates, formats that authors are to use. These templates often include embedded Microsoft Office Properties that are in turn related to the firms' Active Directory - the properties are automatically populated from data managed in Active Directory, such as the Author's name, Security Classification and Company name. In a similar manner, the data in the document's Microsoft Office Properties can be assigned to the related Content Suite Attributes when the document is added to Content Suite (or updated in Content Suite). Automating this data transfer frees users from keying the data and assures the firm that critical data about documents is retained throughout the document's life cycle.
Below is a screenshot of a customer's document showing some of the customer's Microsoft Office properties and a screenshot of the same properties in Content Suite. None of the properties were keyed by the user into Content Suite. With PowerTools for Documents, when documents with Microsoft Office properties are detected, the related attributes in Content Suite are automatically updated with the Microsoft Office properties. Pretty slick.

This functionality works with other properly configured properties too. In the screenshot below, all of the image properties, the “Exif_Properties”, were captured by PowerTools Viewer into the related Content Suite Attributes.
If you'd like to automatically tag documents as they're added to Content Suite, take a look at PowerTools for Documents - and quit doing manual data entry! Contact usfor a demo or, better yet, an evaluation license.